Compound Training versus Isolated training

What is the difference between the two?

Every exercise can be categorized as either a compound movement or an isolated movement. An exercise that involves multiple muscles is called "compound", for example push-ups, body-weight squats, running, pull-ups, bench-press, dead-lifts etc.

Some Compound Exercises
 On the other hand, there are some movements that aim to work only one muscle group. Such exercises are called "isolated" for example concentration curls, machine squats, tricep push-downs, machine rowing etc.

Some Isolated Exercises

Which kind of training is best for me - Compound or Isolated or both ??

It all depends on your body type and what type of physique you're aiming for. 
  • For Hard-gainers - If you're aim is to gain strength and a significant amount of muscle mass quickly, Compound training is for you. Such exercises will help you to lift and use your own body-weight to gain strength and quickly too. The other advantage of such training is that it helps in increasing the testosterone level of the body. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for adding masculine characteristics to the body (one of them being muscle bulk). I am a hard-gainer too and trust me, it helped me a lot! Do a combination, preferably a circuit of such movements and keep changing the exercises to ensure continuous growth. When the exercises become easier for you, increase the load. Aim at lower repetitions and adding more load rather than increasing the number of repetitions with the same load. Remember, your own body-weight is heavier than any dumbbell so use it well. Later on, when you begin to gain lean muscle mass, you can add some isolated movements to condition and shape the muscles further.

  • For People aiming at Fat Burning - You're aim is too burn as many calories possible during a workout session and gain endurance to be able to workout longer. You want to lose the extra inches and gain some strength at the same time. You should execute compound exercises and mix them up with rigorous cardio, preferably in a circuit. For example, while training the abdominal muscles, you can do a set each of crunches, leg raises, ab-cycling, side bending and then jog or cycle for 10-12 minutes in order to burn fat at the same time. You should maximize the number of repetitions per set of an exercise. Later on for toning and conditioning, some isolated movements should be included in the workout. It is a proven fact that including strength training in workouts helps burn fat faster and improves metabolism. DO NOT NEGLECT CARDIO, strength straining helps but if you want good results you must do considerable amount of cardio along with it. 

  • For General Fitness - Compound training can be done if you're looking to maintain your fitness level and physique. The best thing about it is that you can train almost the whole body with compound movements like body-weight exercises. Some people do not want to gain more bulk but just want chiseling and a "ripped" and "lean" look. In that case do a combination of compound and isolated movements and do not overload your muscles, instead try and maximize the number of repetitions per set of an exercise.

  • For Sports-buffs - If you're a sports enthusiast and are trying to perform better on the field, Compound training is what you need to do. You must train like an athlete and do sport-specific exercises. Remember that on the field, your muscles always work together and not in isolation. Some people who play sports that involve more cardio like soccer and tennis, neglect strength training which can elevate your game and performance. It will promote your endurance levels and most importantly your confidence.

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