Getting Lean & Fat Burning - Decrypted


  I want to burn fat and have a ripped look so how should I workout and what kind of exercises should I do? I have been asked the same of question multiple times so I decided to write this article to answer it. If you are looking to burn fat, keep working out that's great but you HAVE TO CUT DOWN ON THE CALORIES. If you aspire to look lean then the right diet and not just a good workout is going to get you there. People debate about the right proportion of cardio and strength training needed to get a lean physique but none of that makes sense if you do not eat right. Strength training won't do you any good if you do not take enough protein and cardio won't help to cut down the extra weight if you eat too much. It's that simple!

     If two people having a similar body structure follow the same the workout routine, it's not guaranteed that they will get the same results. One reason is the genetics and the other important reason is nutrition. Even if they do the same exercises, with the same load and for the same duration but if they have different choice of foods, they will have differences in results. I talked about how a person's physique is related to his/her habits because the routine and diet of a person have a large role to play in developing the body and the mind.

    It is claimed that fat and muscle have absolutely no relation with each other since they are two completely different things. That's true... muscle does not convert to fat and vice-versa. That is why it is important to burn fat by doing cardio and also to execute strength training movements to build muscle in parallel if you're looking to get ripped and lean. The right proportion of cardio and strength training depends on your current physique and the goals that you have set for yourself. Just have a balanced diet and cut down on the cals and you'll get wherever you wish to be. No complex theories, no bullshit.. just a plain and simple concept put in front of you.

All the best!

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