Importance of Warming up and Cooling down

A warm up is an essential part of any kind of training. It prepares the vital systems like the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of our body to prepare for heavy exercises and movements. It is also important to warm the muscles because cold muscles are prone to injury when given a sudden load. A good warm up helps combat fatigue by improving blood circulation and regulating breathing. Intensity of any exercise should be increased gradually and not suddenly.  Walking, light jogging and doing light body-weight exercises for 10 minutes should be included in a warm up session.

Warming up is especially a necessity for endurance training where conserving of energy and delaying fatigue is involved. When training for endurance, anaerobic respiration comes into play which means that oxygen supply to the muscles is less than required because of heavy exercising. In such cases if the warm up session is not proper, fatigue will be experienced earlier because of excessive lactic acid formation in the muscles. If you do not pace yourself before a long workout you will run out of energy.

A cool down must be done to gradually decrease the blood flow to the muscles by slowly decreasing the intensity of the workout. A cool down session must be followed by stretching of the muscles worked on during the whole training session.

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